From Fish to Felines

Tips For Raising Your Beagle Puppy

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Beagle puppies are cute, cuddly, and very friendly. They’re so easy to fall in love with and welcome into your family, but they are also not the easiest puppies to train. Here are some tips to help you raise your beagle puppy in a way that will result in a better-trained, more obedient dog. Make sure your puppy is getting plenty of exercise. Although they may not look like it, beagle puppies are bred to run!…

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Tips For Choosing The Right English Goldendoodle

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Goldendoodles are a wonderful mixed breed. They are half golden retriever and half poodle. Many are bred specifically from English golden retrievers, which are known for their good temperaments. But as goldendoodles are a mixed breed, they can have a variety of characteristics. Some have the personality of a poodle but look more like a golden retriever. Others have poodle bodies and a golden retriever brain. As such, you need to pay close attention when looking for the perfect goldendoodle for your family.…

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Untangling Knots In Your Yorkie's Hair Before They Become A Tangled Mess

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An adult Yorkshire terrier, commonly known as a yorkie, has long straight hair that parts down the center of their back and hangs down uniformly on each side of their body. This single layer of hair appears shiny and silky, much like a human’s hair. Yorkie puppies for sale have short hair and as their hair continues to grow, it will reach the floor when the puppies are 18 to 24 months of age.…

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